
Unstoppable is close to being the perfect action flick, even though it doesn’t have Bruce Willis in it.

  • It’s “inspired” by true events, which gives it a slightly more gripping and horrifying feel than your generic action-adventure.
  • There are trains going to high speed.
  • There are helicopters getting close to trains going at high speed.
  • There’s a little bit of family drama: just enough to give the viewer an investment in the main characters, not enough that I started to fall asleep and/or expected Elijah Wood to turn up.
  • It has Denzel Washington to make up for the lack of Bruce Willis.
  • There are trains going at high speed.
  • There’s a mad dude with a pony tail who drives a red pick-up really, really fast.
  • There’s conflict between a (black, female) subordinate and a (fat, white, male) superior.
  • It’s a rooky/retiree buddy flick, but the conflict between them is neither overplayed to tragic Greek proportions nor downplayed to non-existence.
  • It’s less than 100 minutes in duration.
  • It knows when to end.

Seriously, I loved this film. It has highs, it has lows, it has comedic and blood-draining-from-the-face moments. Chris Pine is quite good, and Washington is… Washington. I could watch that man even if he was acting as a football coach. (Oh wait, I have. Numerous times.) It’s no Oscar contender, but for excitement and entertainment it’s a winner.

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